Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


Assignment 1

Define the concepts ‘ Approach’, ‘Design’, ‘Procedure’, in relation to ‘Method’. Apply those concepts to two recognized second language-teaching practices, which require students and teacher interaction.

Method in general is the way on how to gain the goal. For example in sport training, a good trainer will teach the player some ways or techniques about how to be a good player so that they can win in a championship. The coach will use his/her methods or use another method from another success coach before. In other possibility he/she will do some experiments of some new methods. Dealing with teaching language, method is the emphasis on teacher’s ability to do what is he best way to get the good result on the student’s proficiency in linguistic. According to Rogers cited in Mangubhai (2004) stated that, “….methods are held to be fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices…”.

According to Anthony (1963) stated that, ‘…method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all which is based upon the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic and a method is procedural. To reach the target of teaching a language, teacher needs to know about the concepts of Approach, Design and Procedure in relation to Method. By doing these ways in teaching second language, hopefully the target of teaching of the second language will have a good result on the all aspects of teaching and learning process.


Approach is the way on how teaching Second Language in the class is done. There are many ways can be done by teacher to reach the goals of teaching process. According to Anthony (1963) ‘ an approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach is axiomatic, it describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught…’.


In relation to methodology design means how second language teaching should be done and planned before a teacher teaching in the class. Relating to teaching methodology, it is very important, especially for the language teacher to make a plan what should be taught, how the teaching process will be and what material should be match with a certain condition. Before teaching a second language, a teacher should know the steps of teaching so the target of the teaching process will be gotten easily. Jane Willis (2001) “Materials designer have three distinct responsibilities: (a) providing appropriate language data for the course, (b) designing meaning-focused communication task arising out of those data that engaged leaner in meaning and that encourage genuine use of language, (c) designing form-focused language study exercise that learners’ awareness of typical and useful formal features of language”.


The objectives of the process are the final aims in every activity. In the terms of teaching there are objectives that are made by a teacher what will teacher do and what students should be able to do at the end of the activity. In making design of teaching some materials, the important thing is, what are the objectives of the teaching and learning process. For example when a language teacher wants to teach about the skill on how to read effective and efficiently, what method must be chosen by a teacher to get the good result at the end of the activity. In another case if a teacher emphasis on oral skill or writing skill of course there are different objectives. Gattegno (1972) cited in J.C Richard and T.S Rogers (2001) stated that, “Learning is not seen as the means of accumulating knowledge but the means of becoming a more proficient learner in whatever one is engaged”.


As a general overview said that syllabus is kind of instructional materials that are used in teaching activity. According to J.C Richard and T.S Rogers (2001) ‘ the terms syllabus has been used to refer to the form in which linguistic content is specified in a course or method’. Furthermore ‘All methods thus involve overt or covert decisions concerning the selection of language items (words, sentences pattern, tenses, constructions, function, topics etc.) that are to be used within a course or method. In the following explanation the writer will tell and try to focus on Richards and Rogers Model.

There are many theories in second language teaching which tried to explain on how the second language to be taught. One of the earliest theories was proposed by the American applied linguist Edward Antony in 1963. Another theory was proposed by Mackey in his book Language Teaching Analysis (1965). These are very popular in the model of teaching language in the 1960’s called Mackey’s Model. However, both models failed to explain the comprehensive model of teaching language. As Richards & Rodgers say: ‘ … it fails to give sufficient attention to the nature of method itself’. The role of the teachers and learners were not covered, and also how approach may be realized in a method, or how method and technique are related. Richards and Rodgers model will tell us the comprehensive model of teaching second language in the classroom.

In term of language theory, Richards & Rodgers mentioned that there are, at least, three different theoretical views of language and nature of language proficiency. The first is structural view, the view that language is a system of structurally related elements for coding of meaning. Language structure is the emphasis of teaching language. The second view is the functional view, the view that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning. ‘This theory emphasizes the semantic and communicative dimension rather than merely the grammatical characteristics of language’ (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). A research has been done by Wilkin’s Notional Syllabus (1976) in order to identify the implications of this view of language for syllabus design.

The third view of language is interactional view. According to this view language is as a vehicle or tool for realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals. In language teaching, the learners will get involved in social interaction or real conversation. According to Richards & Rodgers these three views are incomplete and need to be completed by theories of language learning. They tried to look at some theories of language learning. For example Monitor Model by Stephen D. Krashen (1981), Tracy D. Terrel”s Natural Approach (1977) and some other theories. These theories will influence teacher’s teaching style in the classroom. Richards & Rodgers said that teachers may develop their own teaching procedures, informed by a particular view of language and particular theory of learning.

In order to have further understanding, we will look at some points of Richards & Rodgers model. According to them design is necessary to be developed for an instructional system in order for an approach to lead to a method. They described design as; (a) what the objectives of a method are; (b) how language content is selected and organized within the method, that is, the syllabus model the method incorporates; (c) the types of learning tasks and teaching activities the method advocates; (d) the role of the learners; (e) the roles of teachers; and (f) the role of instructional materials. (Richards & Rodgers, 2001)

Furthermore, it is very important to set objectives in teaching language so that the learners’ language competence could be achieved easily. Method will be needed to gain the objectives. The method used will be varying based on the objectives set out.

Some methods focus primarily on oral skills and say that reading and writing skills are secondary and derive from transfer of oral skills. Some methods set out to teach general communication skills and give greater priority to the ability to express oneself meaningfully and to make oneself understood than to grammatical accuracy or perfect pronunciation. Others place a greater emphasis on accurate grammar and pronunciation from the very beginning. Some methods set out to reach the basic grammar and vocabulary of a language. Others may define their objectives less in linguistic term than in terms of learning behaviors, that is, in terms of the processes or abilities the learner is expected to acquire as a result of instruction. (Richards & Rodgers, 2001)

Therefore, the clear objectives will lead the teacher to the goals of language teaching in the classroom. Through the objectives the teacher, then, could use a particular method in language teaching.

The next important thing is syllabus, that is, the language content or materials what to talk about and how to talk about in language teaching. Richards & Rodgers (2001) say; ‘Methods typically differ in what they see as the relevant language and subject matter around which language teaching should be organized and the principles used in sequencing content within a course’. For example the Situational and Audiolingual method consists of a list of grammatical items and construction often together with an associated list of vocabulary items (Fries and Fries 1961; Alexander, Allen, Close, and O’Neill 1975). Notional – Functional Syllabus specify the communicative content of a course in terms of function, notions, topics, grammar, and vocabulary. However, the term of syllabus is less frequently used in process-based methods, in which considerations of language content are often secondary (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). For example in Counseling-Learning, the syllabus depends on the learners’ choice. They could decide the topics they want to talk about.

In addition, Richards & Rodgers explain about the types of learning and teaching activities in the classroom. According to them the objectives of the methods are attained through the instructional process, through the organized and directed interaction of the teachers, learners and materials in the classroom. It means that different method will have different kinds of language learning and teaching activity in the classroom.

In term of method analysis, Richards & Rodgers stated that there are three components of design. The first is learner roles which have important part in learning process. Richards & Rodgers say: ‘A method reflects explicit or implicit responses to questions concerning the learners’ contribution to the learning process’. Learners will also decide their learning program and what kind of activity they will do in the classroom. In supporting this idea, newer methodologies which more concern for learner roles and for variation among learners is stated by Johnson and Paulston (1976). They identify learner roles in the following terms:

(a) Learners plan their own learning program and thus ultimately assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom; (b) Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress; (c) Learners are members of a group and learn by interacting with others; (d) Learners tutor other learners; (e) Learners learn from the teacher, from other students, and from other teaching sources.

The second component is teacher roles that a teacher will influence the successful of the learning process in the classroom. It deals with how the teacher conducts the class and how she/he puts her/his functions for the learner. As Richards & Rodgers (2001) said that some methods are totally dependent on the teachers as a source of knowledge and directions; others see the teacher’s roles as catalyst, consultant, guide, and model for learning; ….’. In addition, Counseling-learning believes that the effectiveness of teacher’s roles will influence to the learners’ skills in learning the language.

The last component is the role of instructional materials. In designing the material it needs the teacher’s ability to choose what should be taught, in what situation and to what kind of students. To what objectives will be the materials are emphasis, it also defines the goals for language leaning in terms of speaking, listening, reading and writing skill. J.C Richard and T.S Rogers (2001) said that, “Materials designed on the assumption that learning is initiated and monitored by the teacher must meet quite different requirements from those designed for student self-instruction or for peer tutoring”. Furthermore Richards and Rogers (2001) said, “A particular design for an instructional system may imply a particular set of roles for materials in support of the syllabus and teachers and the learners. For example, the roles of instructional materials within functional/communicative methodology might be specified in the following terms:

1. Materials will focus on the communicative abilities of interpretation, expression, and negotiation.

2. Materials will focus on understandable, relevant, and interesting exchanges of information, rather than on the presentation of grammatical form.

3. Material will involve different kinds of text and different media, which the leaner can use to develop their competence through a variety of different activities and tasks”


The procedures in methodology is the actual step about techniques, practice and behaviors that is operates in teaching second language according to a particular method. How the activities in the teaching process are integrated into the lesson and used the basis for teaching and learning. According to J.C Richard and T.S Rogers (2001) they said, “There are three dimensions to a method at the level of procedures: (a) the use of teaching activities (drills, dialogues, information-gap activities, etc) to present new language and to clarify and demonstrate formal, communicative or other aspects of target language; (b) the way in which particular teaching activities are used to practice language; (c) the procedures and techniques used in giving feedback to learners concerning the forms and content of their utterance or sentences”.

Here below are examples of procedural aspects of beginning Silent Way according to Stevick (1980) cited in J.C Richard and T.S Rogers (2001):

1. The teacher points at the meaningless symbols on the wall chart. The symbols represent the syllables of spoken language. The students read the sound aloud, first in chorus and then individually.

2. After the students can pronounce the sounds, the teacher moves to a second of charts containing word frequently used in the language, including numbers. The teacher led the students to pronounce a long number.

3. The teacher uses colored rods together with charts and gestures to leads the students into producing the words and basic grammatical structures needed.

Understanding the concept of approach, design and procedures in relation to method, the activity in the class will be more relevant both for the teacher and for the students. Before teaching in a classroom the teacher should make a plan for the teaching and learning process. A teacher knows how to make concepts on approach and what will be emphasized in the teaching and learning process. In designing the materials the teacher should think about; objectives, syllabus, types of learning and teaching activities, learner role, teacher’s role, the role of instructional materials. The last thing that a language teacher should do is doing all the component of teaching and learning activities by procedures or doing the activities in the actual steps about techniques, practice and behavior that is operates in teaching second language according to the particular method.


Anthony, E. M. 1963. Approach, methode and technique. English Language Teaching 17: 63-67.

Fries, C. C., and A. C. Fries. 1961 Foundations for English Teaching. Tokyo: Kenkyusha.

Johnson, F., and C.B. Paulston. 1976. Individualizing in the language Classroom.

Cambridge, Mass.: Jacaranda.

Mangubhai, F. (2004) Methodology in teaching a second language. Study book, Distance Education Center, USQ, Toowoomba.

Richards, J.C., and Rodgers, T.S. 2001. The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching. In Approaches and methods in language teaching (2nd ed.,pp. 18-35). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Assignment 2

A. What is known about the processes of listening? Discuss factors, which affect the selection of listening activities for a group of second language learners?

Listening is one of the important language proficiencies that need to be concerned about. The learners will communicate with others and response the information based on the language input that they get through the listening process. According to Morley (1991):”Listening can be defined broadly as “everything that impinges on the human processing which mediates between sound and the construction of meaning …. “Moreover, “everything impinges … “includes the important dimension of the affective information, which is as integral part of real world communication.”

In the field of language teaching and learning, “listening” was neglected and supposed as unimportant part in teaching and learning language process. The most emphasis in teaching and learning language was on the structural or rules of the language. In the last twenty years, however, the ideas about language learning and language teaching have been changing along with the movements of the language theory. As Morley (1991) said that the status of listening began to change from one of neglect to one of increasing importance, as the instructional programs of 1970s expanded their pragmatic skills-focus on reading, writing, and speaking, to include listening. Listening became one of the main aspects to take account in the “modern-day or new era” of the language learning and language teaching. In the next explanation we will look at the process of listening and the important factors of listening.

There are two ways in teaching and learning language which are used in reading as well as in listening process. These two ways of language learning are often used by the teacher in classroom in order to lead the students reach the language proficiency that is hoped. Those are called “Bottom-Up and Top-Down” processing. Bottom-Up processing is the way on how the students analyze the sound into word then completely understand the whole meaning from the listening process. Top-Down processing is the way on how the students interpret the meaning of the sound through out the ears based on the experiences or knowledge. When the student has already heard the topic before, it will help the student understand about the topic. According to Mangubhai (2004) said that ‘Top-Down Processing is basically using your knowledge base to help you interpret the incoming aural input. In this conception, you are really sampling the incoming input to ensure that you are constructing the correct message in your head’ and ‘Bottom-up Processing is basically the idea that you first analyze the sounds into words, then into constituents, then into clauses to which you ascribe meanings. In this way of looking at listening comprehension, meaning resides in the sounds entering your ear which you analyze in order to derive the meaning’, Top-down and Bottom-up Processing are working together in a combine cooperative process for each second language learner. Furthermore, Murcia (1991) said that ‘Bottom-up comprehension of speech, then, refer top the part of the process in which the understanding of incoming language is work out proceeding from sounds, into words, into grammatical relationship and lexical meaning, and so on. The composite meaning of the message is arrived at based on the incoming language data’. According to Chaudron and Richards (1986) cited in Morley (1991) ‘Top-down processing involves prediction and inferencing on the basis of hierarchies of facts propositions, and expectations, and it enables the listener or the reader to bypass some aspects of bottom-up processing’.

In addition to this, there are some factors that should be known by the teacher in the listening activities. There are the source of the sound or speaker, the student him/herself, the material and visual support. Furthermore, Morley (1991) said that there are three perspectives on listening and language instruction, those are, listening to repeat, listening to understand, and listening as primary approach to second or foreign language learning. These factors will affect the selection of listening activities for the second language learner.

Listening to repeat means a teacher as a model gives an example on how to pronounce words, sentences or text and then the students follow a teacher on the right pronunciations. The other way on how listening to repeat is done by the learner, a teacher might show the other example of how to pronounce by taking the tape of native speaker from the audio tape or video and TV program which is relevant to the material being taught by the teacher. Not all teachers are native and have ability to pronounce native like so it is necessary for the teacher to get other way on how to give an example to their learner. This way is very important in the process of learning. Listening is a kind of process where the learner can imitate the right way on how to reproduce the sound given by teacher as a model or listening from tape or other kind of visual like TV, Video or film. According to Morley (1991), ‘Listening/repeating is also a technique used for pronunciation in order kinds of instructional formats. Here the learner is asked to listen, in order to “hear” a model (e.g., a sentence, a phrase, a word, a sound) and in order to reproduce it’. When the learner having chance to listen and imitate the right pronunciation in the form of a word, a phrase, a sentence will be easy for them to listen what the speaker say when they are communicating to other. As a result, a speaker understands what the learner said because they pronounce a word, a phrase and sentences in the right or good pronunciation.

Listening to understand, as other source components of knowledge such as reading, through listening the learner can get the experience to understand something. For example if they travel by using plane, they will hear the announcer at the airport says ‘The flight Qz907 to Sydney is now boarding’. When they hear that announcement, they soon come through the gate and than boarding to the aircraft. This is called learning to understand. If the learner want to know something they can read words, sentences, phrase, text or they can also listen to the talker/ speaker. If the learner lose or miss the information given by speaker/talker, he will loose one of the opportunities to do something. How the important of listening to understand is not only as example above many more the learner can do, especially the instruction asked to do by the teacher on doing the exercise and as others. To listen something the learner need a special skill on the listening comprehension. According to Morley (1991), there are ‘two basic types of expected student’s response:

1. The question-oriented response model, here the students are asked to listen to an oral text (e., a sentence, a dialog / conversation, a paragraph reading, talk or lecture, then answer a series of factual (quiz-style) comprehension question on the content in order to prove that they have understood. Questions are true false, multiple choice, fill-in-the blank, short answer and similar question type borrowed from traditional reading techniques.

2. The task-oriented response model. In the model, language task are set for students to complete, either individually or in small group collaborations. Basically the task are structured so that they make use of the information provided in the spoken text, not as an end in itself, but as resource to use in order to achieve a communicative task outcome. The primary lesson goal is to provide learner with guide listening task experience.

Listening as primary focus in the Comprehension approach to Second/ foreign language learning.

Different from other techniques of how the students acquire the language like reading, speaking and writing that is called oral production, Listening has special feature. Winitz (1981) cited in Murcia (1991) defined as follows: ‘in the comprehension approach a new system of learning is not really advocated. The instructional format is to extend the teaching interval of one component of training, comprehension, while delaying instruction or experience in speaking, reading, writing….the comprehension approach is cognitive in orientation. As used here, cognitive is defined as a system that gives students the opportunity to engage the problem-solving, the personal discovery of grammatical rules’

B. Design one lesson of 35-45 minutes in which you focus on developing the macro skill of listening and incorporate speaking as required.


Language : English

Subject : Listening

Class/ year : 3 / year 12

Level : SMK / Vocational High school

Topic : Advertisement

Lesson Length : 45 minutes

Objectives :

· Students are able to get the right information about the product in the advertisement.

· Students are able to match the picture with the right advertisement.

· Students are able to make advertisement in their own word.


What do you usually do before you do shopping? How do you get information of new products? Many of us make a shopping list and the others have fixed about what they are going to buy. Since they have got information from advertisements, it makes them easy to get what they need.

Activity 1

v You will hear four statements corresponding to the pictures in your book and choose the best statement that goes to each.

1.A B C D 2. A B C D

3. A B C D 4. A B C D

Activity 2

v You will read an advertisement of Nutrima. The sentences, however, are not well-ordered. Please rearrange them into a good advertisement.

a. It will make kids healthy and smart.

b. It's not so expensive and easy to get it in

any supermarket.

c. Nutrima Kid is very good for children.

d. It's rich with vitamins and calories.

Activity 4

v In groups of four, make persuasion to promote your products based on the pictures bellow.

1. 2.


Canale, M. & Swain, M (1980) Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics,1(1), pp1-47.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Dirjen Dikdasmen, Dirjen Dimenjur) (2000), Global Acces to the World of Work. PPSKJ, Jakarta.

Mangubhai, F. (2004) Methodology in Teaching a Second Language, Study book, Distance Education Center, USQ, Toowoomba.

Morley, J. (1991) Listening comprehension in second/foreign language instruction. In Murcia, M.C. (Ed.), Teaching English as Second Language or Foreign Language (pp81-93) Heinle & Heinle Publisher, Boston, Massachusetts 02116.

Richards, J.C., and Rodgers, T.S. 2001. The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching. In Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.,pp. 18-35). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

University of Southern Queensland, (2003) Audio Tape LIN 5002 Introduction to Course Distance Education Center, USQ, Toowoomba.

University of Southern Queensland, (2003) The Nature of Language (Selected Reading) Distance Education Center, USQ, Toowoomba.

Website http://langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp./jalt/pub/tlt/00/feb/willis.html


Prepare two consecutive lessons of 45-60 minutes each in which you develop the macroskills of reading and writing. Your assignment will be assessed on how well you have managed to combine theory and practice. Design your lessons wisely so that they show your knowledge of theory and its application clearly in terms of language learning outcomes, such that another teacher could implement your lesson plan.


Teaching reading is one of the main language skills that should be thoughtfully by the language teacher. Before we decide the lesson plan of teaching reading, it is very important to know the concept of reading process. According to Manghubai (2004) “… the emphasis in reading was on the text, the meaning resided in the text-all one had to do was decode the text.” When the students were studying reading text, they will concern to the meaning of every single word in the text. This process of reading is called bottom-up processing.

While Goodman (1967.p.498) cited in Manghubai (2004,p. 4.4) says:

Reading is a selective process. It involves partial use of available minimal language cues selected from perceptual input on the basis of the reader’s expectation. As this partial information is processed, tentative decisions are made to be confirmed, rejected, or refined as reading progresses.

More simply stated, reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game. It involves an interaction between thought and language.

In addition, Manghubai (2004) says: “… children were not simply reading the printed word: they were actively constructing what they were reading in their heads.” They will understand the meaning of the reading text by using all of information they had in their heads. This process of reading is called top-down processing.

In the movement of teaching reading theory, researchers discovered the new perspective on reading process which is well known as interactive model of reading. As Manghubai (2004) said that in the process of reading, we use all of our sources of knowledge, the visual and also what we have in our heads to comprehend.


Writing became a common difficulty for the language learner. Writing is not only composing letters into a word and words into sentence. But it is comprehension process which involves knowledge and skills such as grammar, how to compose writing orderly, how to explore and express their ideas. In English second language learner, for example, it is very important for them to know how the native behavior in composing writing.

In the next explanation I will present lesson of reading and writing in class consecutively for 60 minutes each.



Level Of student: 3rd level of senior high school

Duration: 60 minutes

Pre Reading (Warm-up questions, 10 minutes)

In the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will show some pictures, symbols and clues about transportation means. Then the teacher will ask the students some questions and discuss about it for about 10 minutes. This process is very important to do in reading lesson in order to lead the students focus on the topic and collect all their knowledge about transportation. So they will be able to understand the meaning of reading text easily.

Reading the text and discuss (20 minutes)

The next step is reading the text. The teacher will ask some students to read the text. This activity will drill them how to read correctly and train them to understand the meaning of the text they were reading. The teacher will ask them to guess what they understand about the text. They will discuss with others and the teacher will guide them to understand the meaning of the text.

Asking objective questions (10 minutes)

In this section the students will answer the questions by state them true or false. This process will stimulate the student’s understanding about the text. Through this process the students are hoped to be able to understand completely and get all information of the text correctly.

Post reading (Answering essay questions – 20 minutes)

In this section the students are hoped to be able to answer the questions correctly as well as write in good structure.


Activity 1 (20 minutes)

In the beginning of the lesson the teacher will ask the students some vocabularies about transportation. Then ask them to complete the sentences using the appropriate words. In this activity the students will able to use their knowledge about some vocabularies on transportation. For the students who do not understand the meaning of the words, they can ask their friend or look up the dictionary and try to practice them in the sentences. So they get the right meaning of the words and understand how to use it in a sentence.

Activity 2

Students are asked to write a short conversation asking about “distance and transportation means”.

For example: How long does it takes ……………..?

How do you go to ……………..?

Activity 3

The next step is the teacher will ask the students to write one or two paragraph about transportation they use in their city/village. This topic will help students to write paragraph easily, because they have already had their knowledge and information about the topic in their heads. They just need to express and compose in a good writing.


Language : English


Class/ year : 3 / year 12

Level : SMK / Vocational High school


Lesson Length : 60 minutes X 2

Objectives :

  • Students are able to answer the warm-up question.
  • Students are able to understand the topic of the text correctly.
  • Students are able to answer the objective test correctly.
  • Students are able to answer the post reading question.
  • Students are able to understand some vocabularies about transportation.
  • Students are able to ask and answer questions about distance and transportation means.
  • Students are able to practice writing short paragraph about transportation.


Activity 1

Look at the picture and answer the warm-up questions! (Pre- reading)

  1. What do you know about transportation?
  2. Do you think transportation is necessary for all of us? Why?
  3. Mention some kinds of transportation that you know?

Activity 2

Read the text carefully!


In the business world, transportation is believed to be a vital means of conveying things and people. We all know that most of the business activities are closely dependent upon it to move goods faster from one place to another. So in terms of time it has drastically reduced distance and speeded up mobility.

There are several ways of transporting goods, but the three most important are by land, by sea and by air. Now let us know when and where each of them can be used effectively and efficiently.

Transport by land is very extensive in the home trade and continental countries. Road transport is fast over short distances. It is flexible with door to door delivery and no need a fixed timetable. Train transport is usually quicker than road transport for distances over 200 miles. Bulky goods such as coal can be transported cheaply by train.

Transport by sea is the most effective method for the countries which consist of many islands. Sea transport is much slower than air, but it is cheaper for goods and can carry heavier loads. Some goods such as oil are transported is specially-designed ships.

Transport by air is now increasing in scope. It is the quickest form of transport for international or long-cross country journeys. However, it is also expensive, particularly for example, transporting computers by air will be much cheaper than by ship if it is considered from every aspect.

Activity 3

Say whether these statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) in your opinion.

  1. T – F Thousands of years ago, most of people had to walk because there was no transportation.
  2. T – F Nowadays, transportation has already become an integral part of our everyday life.
  3. T – F Transportation by road is very necessary in a country with many islands.
  4. T – F Almost everyone needs transportation when they go to distance places.
  5. T – F Transportation by sea is the most effective way in an archipelago country.
  6. T – F Transportation by air is very dangerous because it may cause a lot of accidents.
  7. T – F Transportation by air is the quickest form for international journeys.
  8. T – F It takes us only a few days to travel around the world by modern transportation.

Activity 4 (Post reading)

Answer the following questions base on the reading text above!

  1. What do you believe about transportation to be in the business world?
  2. Why do most of the business activities depend on transportation?
  3. What is the advantage of transportation in term of time?
  4. Where is transport by road and train widely used?
  5. What transport is the most effective for the countries with many islands?
  6. Why is the sea transport often used for carrying heavier loads to other countries?
  7. What is the quickest transport for international and long-cross country journey?
  8. What kinds of goods are often cheaper if they are sent by air?
  9. What does the word “it” in the first paragraph refers to?
  10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?


Activity 1

Complete these sentences using the appropriate wards from the box.

trip voyage traveling

world transport bus station

journey passengers railway station

1. Buses, trains and cars are means of ………………………

2. When you want to go by bus, you go to a …………………

3. When you want to go bay train, you go to ………………..

4. When you are going to fly, you are one of the ……………..

5. By palne we can fly to most of places in the ………………..

6. We say then that we are going on a …………………….

7. When we go by boat, we call it a ………………………….

8. A journey which is not so long is called a …………………..

9. Going to other places is called ………………

Activity 2 (15 minutes)

Write questions and answers as the example.

A: How long does it takes by plane from London to Madrid?

B: It takes two hours by plane from London to Madrid.

A: How do we go to Tanjung Selor?

B: We go to Tanjung Selor by boat.

  1. (by car/Bandung/Bogor-four hours)
  2. (by boat/Bali/Lombok/went/I/to?
  3. (by train/Jakarta/Surabaya-eight hours)
  4. (bicycle/your house/your work-half an hour)
  5. (by bus/the city centre/the airport-fifty minutes)

Activity 3 (25 minutes)

Write a short paragraph about transportation in your city/village.


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Dirjen Dikdasmen, Dirjen Dimenjur) (2000), Global Acces to the World of Work. PPSKJ, Jakarta.

Goodman (1967.p.498). Reading: a psycholinguistic guessing game. Journal of the Reading Specialist. In Manghubai (2004,p. 4.4) Methodology in Teaching a Second Language, Study book, Distance Education Center, USQ, Toowoomba.

Lukman, D.,P.K. (2003). Step by Step 3. English for vocational school. Towards the world of professional workers. Humaniora Utama Press, BANDUNG.

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